Wie man Templates benutzt.
Was sind Templates?
These are pre - prepared pages, pro - formers, or forms that you may wish your wikidot contributers to use. An excellent example can be found at http://siliconcity.wikidot.com/template:herocharacter.
Schritt 1.
Erstellen eines Templates
But before we do, go and have a look in Site Manager » Page templates
Note that it will inform you that you don't have any!

So best we make one.
Using the new page button on the side menu bar, create a new page called (for example):-
the "template" is the category reserved for templates.
"typeone" is the name you wish to give it.
Then type some text in it how you would like. You can always edit it later, so for example lets put in:-
- Ingredients
- Cooking time
- method
- serves
Save it.
Just for the hell of it, let create another template called "typetwo"
Again, in the New Page box on the side bar create a page named
Then enter some text, eg:-
- Country of origin
- Alloy type
- Value
Now lets go back to Site Manager » Page templates
You will see two boxes.

The left one shows the Categories used in your site.
The right one lists the templates you have made.
If you click on the templates listed, you will see a preview underneath. (note i could only get it to preview one of them. I think there is a bug, but don't worry)
Now go back to your site
Create a new page in the New page box on the side bar.
Have a look in the edit box
you should see a new drop down box
Initial template: |~ no template (default)|
This should display the templates you have created. (note there is also a number of no template (default) listed. Again I think this is a bug.)
Click on the one you wish to use.
Job Done!!
Part two:
Assigning templates to Categories.
You might find it useful to use a particular template for a particular category.
Eg.category | Template |
breads | bread template |
meats | meat template |
Cakes | Cake template |
First lets create the templates as we did above.
eg :-
- template:bread template
- template:meat template
Then we create the categories, using the New Page box. More info here. It will be a good idea to have a "base" "start"page, or "Introduction" page to each category.
- Breads:basebread
- Meats:basemeat
Adding the create page box
Lets use "breads" as an example.
- create template. Called. template:breads
- create new page called breads:basebread
In the new breadbase page inset the following code
[[module NewPage category="breads"]]
Once you have saved that new page you should have a new "create page" box displayed

creating new pages within it, eg:-
- newpage one
- newpage two
- newpage three
will do two things.
- create a new page and automatically put it in the "breads" category
- present the user with the template required for that category.
Step Three:
The Side Bar
Instead of having a base page with the Create new page module, we can place that module on the Side (nav:side) Bar.
In the default set up, using the New page module, will give you the opportunity to chose which Template you wish to use.
If we create a NEW Side bar, and assign that to say the Base Category, then we can use that to give the required template as the default option.
For example:
Have a look at at the side bar to your left. Right at the top it says "nav:side-en"
This is the actual page name of that particular side bar.
Now have a look : Here
Notice at the top, it says "nav:side-de." This is the German category side bar
Just to hammer it home, have a look here
This is the Spanish version of the side bar
Adding New page to it
In each of these Side bars we could add a Create Page module.
When we enter a page name in it, it will automatically assign that page to that particular category, and if we tell it to, we can make it apply a specific template.
eg: Inserting the following into the a side bar that has been assigned to the category "breads"
[[module NewPage category="breads" size="15" button="new page"]]
Will generate a new page, automatically put it in the "breads category, AND if a template has been assigned to that category, automatically provide you with that template.
EDIT: This does not work as explained.
Your explanation suggests that when one creates a "template:name-one" and a page "name-one:first" the template is automatically used without invoking it. This is not so. And the similar page names between the "template:X" and "X:demo-page" have no relations. Instead one needs to use
[[module NewPage category="ball" template="round-object"]]