Inloggen op Wikidot

Deze pagina beschrijft hoe je kan inloggen op de algemene wikidot community site. (Merk op dat dit niet wil zeggen dat je hierdoor alle wikidot sites kan zien, want de toegang tot een private site wordt beheerd door de beheerder van die site. Vaak moet je ingelogd zijn om commentaar te kunnen geven dus een wikidot-account aanmaken is zeker een aanrader.)

1. Login knop

Meestal staat bovenaan rechts de login knop (text), deze linkt naar het loginscherm. Na de inlog-procedure kom je automatisch terug waar je was.


2. Maak je eigen account

If you don't have an account on, you should click Create_account and follow the instructions to create an account. For this you will need:

  • a unique user id (unique inside the network) and
  • a valid email address where the system can send you acknowledgement emails.

3. First Login

Once you have created an account on, you can login to the overall wikidot community site. You will need to enter your email address and password:


Notes for the checkboxes:

Do not timeout my session — checking this will keep your session active until you explicitly log out. If you are using a shared computer, you should not select this option.
Bind session to my IP — checking this will let the system remember your IP adress.

4. My Account

After you login, you will see your personal account menu at the top right of your screen:


  • From here you can select my account which will take you to your personal account settings.
  • The dropdown menu (which you can access by clicking the arrow) will allow you to log out.

If this is your first login, you may want to edit your profile. This is optional.

5. Logging in again

If you login again, you will only have to enter your password:


If necessary, you can log in as someone else by selecting 'Log in as a different User'.

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