This page describes how you can create an account on
1. Create account button
If you have not yet created an account on you need to use the link-button create account at the right-top of your wikidot screen. Here is what it looks like:

2. Create account
When you click on this button-link, the "Create Account" window opens. Here you will need to fill in some important details:

- a good unique user-id (your "screen name", unique inside the network).
- a valid mail-adress where the system can send the acknowledgment (this email requires a response from you for security purposes).
- a decision on which language you prefer to use (right now, the choices are English or Polish, and all 80% translated languages from the "Translate" wiki). This choice only affects the internal pages within the wikis you create.
- a good password for security.
- a repeat of this good password
- and good eyes to answer a security question to protect the wikidot system from evvvvvil robots.
Finally, you klick on the "I accept the…." link button and aggree to the Terms of Service of
3. Verification of Your Email-adress !
After clicking on this "Acceptance" button You will get a verification Email to your address - PLEASE WAIT for this!
In this Email is a link to click on - You make an acknowledgement to Wikidot - that YOUR Email-Adresse belongs to your User-ID.
If you do not get this email in some 5 -10 min than check
- if your email-address is written wrong
- if your email-box is full
- if the mail has landed in the spam folder
- could be the wikidot server is overloaded and needs more time - please wait or try again later.
We know from problems with hotmail addresses - if you do not get any email please mesage us!
4. my_account
Congratulations! You now have a wikidot account. Now you should see the "your account" buttons at the right-top of the wikidot screen changes to a personal account_menu:
An important reminder:
- Your my account menu button leads you to your personal Account settings; it is a good idea to set up those settings right off. Just follow the link!
- The little square box to the right of your account name ("screen name") up in the right hand corner of the screen is a pull-down/"hidden" menu where you can logout from Logout from Wikidot