There are 3 modes of editing a page:
1. Whole page edit
This mode locks the whole page for you during the editing time. If the page isn't long, this won't be a problem.
At the bottom of each page you will find some buttons. The left-most of these is a button named edit, which starts the "Edit the page" frame.
A click on this button opens a new page consisting of the "old" content of the page and a new section titled "Edit the page" (or use the typical "CTRL + e" shortcut for the same effect):
This frame contains an editor window for you to enter new text. Above you will see some formatting buttons (sometimes with wizards). Hovering your mouse cursor over the buttons will cause a "tool-tip" to appear describing the formatting button's function.
Under the editor-window there are 2 help links inserted. These will display the help information in an new window:
Below that is the "Short description of changes:" text box for providing a description of the entry or changes you made. This description is very helpful, for instance, when you view the "Recent changes" page.
On the right side of this short description window is the Lock information shown:
If the edit-window is too big for your screen, there is a "+" and "-" button (on the bottom) to increase or decrease the edit-window's size respectively.
Also at the bottom of the edit-window are buttons to save or discard your work:
- cancel is clear - you will lose all Your work without any security question. The same happens if You press too much the "Escape" button on Your keyboard( in panic or so).
- view diff - this is helpful to control Your last changes in a little extra - frame before you save the changes (with an included example); to close this frame "Diff changes" click on the little button "close diff view":
- preview - a good idea to have a look before you press any save button.
- save & continue - this saves your work and you can continue without going to the edit buttons again.
- save - this saves your work and the page is re-sent to your browser with the new content(or use the typical "CTRL + s" for the same effect).
2. Section edit
This mode will only lock a single section (defined by the header selected) instead of the whole page during the editing time.
This is useful if the page is long and you don't want to prevent other authors from writing to its other sections at the same time.
To enable this mode you have to switch the "+options" button (bottom -right side)

If you click on this button, every header section (the line with the "+" or "++") in your page (normally down to level 2) will get an edit button on the right side:
You can use this button to edit the selected section alone without disturbing or changing the rest of the page. Note that this button is check-able, for setting the section edit as allowed or not. Also, at the moment you save or discard your change, the extra button line (which was displayed via clicking the "+options" button) will again be hidden. Note that in future releases this may change.
The only difference between the editor-window and the whole page edit mode is:
the button save & continue is not present…
3. Append
In this mode you can only append text to the whole page content:
You will find the button to do this in the "+options" :

there is the second button in the extra buttons line:

The editor-window "Edit the page" opens as usual - but you don't have a "view diff" button or a "save & continue" button.
Some notes
When you use one of the save-buttons: please wait for the acknowledgment ( "page saved") - otherwise you will lose the changes!
If the page "hangs" with a running cursor - try the save button again. Sometimes this helps.
As of the changes of 2007-07-26, the "CTRL+e" and "CTRL+s" shortcuts do the same thing as the "edit" and "save" buttons, respectively.