(Original Page= http://www.wikidot.com/doc:embedding)
You can safely embed any external HTML code on your pages. To guarantee maximum safety, HTML code is placed in a safe environment (iframe sandbox) to limit the possibility of cross-site scripting attacks.
E.g. to display del.icio.us tag cloud as generated from http://del.icio.us/help/tagrolls simply wrap the html code in a [[html]]…[[/html]] tags:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://del.icio.us/feeds/js/tags/michal_frackowiak?icon;size=12-35;color=87ceeb-0000ff;title=my%20del.icio.us%20tags"></script>
Note: previously [[html]] tag functionality was partly covered by the [[embed]] tag, which is now deprecated and aliased to [[html]]. This is why you might still find [[embed]] tag here and there.
Examples of supported media using [[html]] tags:
Video & Audio
Office Tools
Slideshows & Presentations
Social services

Web Tools
If you want a new service enabled, please write to moc.todikiw|troppus#moc.todikiw|troppus or put your suggestion in our Community Forum.