Mass Delete Tool
This is/was a long lasting wish from many admins in the community.
Good message:Thanks to Kenneth tsangk who has written a little (unofficial) extension to the "admin:manage" page script to allow this now (for admins only).
Bad message. this extension scripts runs only - at the moment - on "Chrome" and "Firefox" (with greasemonkey app). Not clear on other Browser..
All the information you need is given on the Wikidot Extension site - where you can download the neccessary javascript estensions for your browser.
Here is only a short description (copied from the doc) what is possible and should be done before the Mass Page Deletion.
Notice If You do not like (after the installation) the automatically added Autocomplete in Wikidot Editor than you can allways switch of the settings of this very good help for advanced users on the extension site itself for your userid on the page ""MYSETTINGS" or at the bottom of the Edit window with the "toogle" switch (my preference).
The mass page deleter utility allows administrators to rapidly and effeciently permanently delete a large number of Wikidot pages. This can be an extremely deadly piece of software and all actions performed here are irreversible. An autofill option allows admins to select a category from your site to automatically fill the "delete list" textarea. Individual pages may also be entered into a textarea (newline-separated) to be automatically deleted.
There is also
- a "switch" between "normal" pagetypes or "hidden" (saving _templates )- or All - and
- a "tags select field" - like in the ListPages selections - for better selection of the autofilled pages.
Again a remember: this works at the moment only for Chrome and Firefox broswer!
The installation instructions are on the Extension wiki on the Install page.
After the install is the "Mass Delete Tool" located in the site manager section, after "Autonumbering of pages" and before the improved "File Manager".
Autofilling from selected category
To assist in rapid deletion of pages, all pages from the category to be deleted (like "delete" category) can be added to the textarea. This allows users to select a complete category from your site to automatically fill the "delete list" textarea.
Backup done?
it is stronghly recommended that the admin starts a backup before any auto-mass deletion of pages are done and wait for the complition of it! If you can you should download the tar.gz ( or zip) file to your local client/PC - otherwise the backup files disappear after some time and all is lost again!
By clicking on "Delete pages" the delete of all listed pages starts and on a "completion bar" you can see how fast it is working.
Attached Files?
If the question arise: where are the attached files gone of such deleted pages?
I hope you have done a backup before and can locate these files on your local or tar.gz directory?
Here is my example of trying to delete all "id:" category pages (without the hidden "_template" or "_start" page(s)!) - therefore the pagetype:"normal" is selected, and without any tags limitations used, after clicking on "Fill pages":