Modules: All
Table of Contents
Modules are built-in applications that you can place anywhere on your pages.
Listing and categorizing pages
- Module ListPages — module for selecting, processing and listing pages (doc:listpages-module)
- CountPages — module for counting pages
- ListUsers — module for selecting, processing and listing users <— NEW inserted
- TagCloud — creates a customizable tag cloud for tagged pages
- PageCalendar — lists number of new pages per year/month (nice for blogging)
- PageTree — displays a nested tree of pages connected by parenthood
- Module Backlinks — lists pages that link back to the current page (doc:backlinks-module)
- WantedPages — lists not existing pages, but linked from somewhere
- OrphanedPages — lists existing pages, but not linked from anywhere
- Categories — module for listing categories in the current site <— NEW inserted
Users, members
- Watchers — list watchers of the page / category / site
- Members — list members within a site
- Join — allow users to join the site with one click<— NEW inserted
- SendInvitations — allow all members of a Wiki to send email invitations
- WhoInvited — check who invited a particular member
- CSS — lets you add custom CSS to any page. <— NEW inserted
- NewPage — makes creation of new pages easier.
- Redirect — performs a "301" redirect from a page with optional URL mapping
- ThemePreviewer — allows previewing themes without altering Site configuration
- MailForm — define a form, let others fill it and receive the forms via email
- PetitionAdmin — allows you to create online petition campaigns (like this one)
- SiteGrid — creates a grid of sites' thumbnails with descriptions
- FeaturedSite — created clickable bigger thumbnail of site with a description
News & feeds
- Feed — imports RSS/Atom feeds from almost any web location and displays them in a customizable way
- FrontForum — uses forum categories to create news items to put on the pages and create RSS feeds
Forum & discussion
- Comments — put comments below page content; a cool one!
- RecentPosts — displays recent forum posts
- MiniRecentThreads — displays recent forum topics
- MiniActiveThreads — displays most active forum topics within some time period
- MiniRecentPosts — displays recent forum posts
Page rating
- Rate — displays a widget used to rate pages within the page body
- RatedPages — displays top-rated pages
Photos, galleries, files
- Gallery — creates gallery with nice image presentation
- Module FlickrGallery — pulls images from (doc:flickrgallery-module)Flickr
- Files — lists all files attached to a page
- Search — search one Wikidot site
- SearchAll — search all Wikidot sites
- SearchUsers — search all Wikidot users
- SiteChanges — list recent changes to the site content
Administration, moderation
- ManageSite — site administration
- Clone — site clone tool <— NEW inserted
NEW inserted (!)
- AdSenseUnit — insert AdSense unit into a panel (only for enabled sites).
- MembershipApply — allow users to apply to the site admin(s) for membership
- MembershipByPassword — when a password is specified people can become members of the site if they know the password
- Pages — module for listing pages within a site
- ChildPages — lists children pages of a page
- PagesByTag — lists all pages, that are tagged with a specific tag
- NextPage — create links to the next page in the category.
- PreviousPage — create links to the previous page in the category.
Modules list
Done by [[module Backlinks]]
Modules grouped by functionality
Done by [[module ChildPages]]
- AdSenseUnit Module
- Categories Module
- ChildPages Module
- Clone Module
- Comments Module
- CountPages Module
- CSS Module
- FeaturedSite Module
- Feed Module
- Files Module
- FlickrGallery Module
- FrontForum Module
- Join Module
- ListPages Module
- ListUsers Module
- MailForm Module
- ManageSite Module
- Members
- MembershipApply Module
- MembershipByPassword Module
- MiniActiveThreads Module
- MiniRecentPosts Module
- MinirecentThreads Module
- Module Backlinks
- Module Categories
- Module Forumthread
- Modules Administrierung
- Modules Changements
- Modules Forum
- Modules Not Documented
- Modules Pages
- NewPage Module
- NextPage / PreviousPage Module
- OrphanedPages Module
- PageCalendar Module
- PagesByTag Module
- Pages Module
- PageTree
- PetitionAdmin Module
- RatedPages Module
- Rate Module
- RecentPosts Module
- Redirect Module
- SearchAll Module
- Search Module
- SearchUsers Module
- SendInvitations Module
- SiteChanges Module
- SiteGrid Module
- TagCloud Module
- ThemePreviewer Module
- WantedPages Module
- Watchers Module
- WhoInvited Module
The code can be split by the delimiter " _" without alteration of the functionality. This allows a better readability of the module code when embedded between [[code]]…[[/code]]. (Txs Helmut).
Given that BackLinks has a few caveats, this page also lists this page itself, the side menu, the other languages versions and the template for modules description.