Permissions are one of the most important settings for your Site. You can determine who can edit contents of your pages and alter the structure of the Site.
It is up to you to choose who can modify the contents of the Site: anyone, selected people only or just you as the maintainer of the Site.
Permissions are always setup for a complete group of pages - the "category" - extra to be defined for
- view (!!) for non-default categories (= "Private categories" only for members of the site !)
- edit
- create pages
- move/rename pages
- delete pages
- upload files
- rename files
- replace/move/delete files
- show page options to
and with a check-box for different levels, for :
- anonymous
- registered users at
- site members or
- page creator/owner
Permissions are setup in the Site Manager ( page _admin ) in the section "Security" / "Permissions" !
Here are 2 screenshots from this important screen:

Figure 11
A few notes
Site administrators and page moderators are not mentioned in the table above because they automatically have all the rights within the site.
"Page creators/owners" modifier can add extra control and and is suplementary to other options. E.g. it is possible to deny edit permissions in general but allow only to the author that has created the page.