What is private messaging?
On the "official" wikidot.com/ page "features" you will find this entry:
We let our Users communicate easily — by sending private messages. Each User can have a list of contact and can also configure who is allowed to send him messages.
This so called PM system is wikidot - wide working. You can write & send and get a messages in an own posting system, parallel to other forums of sites.
1) this messaging has nothing to do with sites and is located on your wikidot-account.
2) you can send messages and read your inbox only after login!
Where to write?
Logged in you have some possibilities to enter the messaging screen:
a) with every click on an "User-id" you get the profile page of this wikidot-user and you will find the button/link "write a private message" ( to this user of course).
b) There is the general entry over your own ("my_account") at the right top corner:
b.1) if you click on the link my_account yiu will get your own wikidot - account screeens.
b2) You will find at the top right side (right from the page link "my_acount") a little icon (normally a little DownArrow, but in Internet Explorer 7 it is a little button);

With a click on this link You will get such following window and you can start with a click on Compose new.
Remeber: Going over the "my_accounts" entry you will need to know the user-id for the reciever!
Private messages
and the possibility to remove some or all posts… |
Generel settings
On your "Account Settings" you have the possibility to define the group of wikidot-users, who can write you a "Private Message". Under the Menu point
o) Receiving private messages
you will find following information and possible selections:
One of the wikidot.com features is possibility to send private messages, i.e. direct messages between registered users. It is advised to enable private messages but you have a few options here (leave boxes unchecked to block all messages): Receive private messages from:
We respect your settings but there are situations where they can be overriden. In particular following people are allowed to send you messages:
(The first idea to change your settings to the second one is a bad idea, because no new (applying) member of a site can write you a PM , before she/he is a member of your site..)
o) Account settings / Blocked users
You can maintain a private list of blocked users. Users from the list are not allowed to send you any private message. More options should come soon. Note: user blocks does not work against wikidot.com administrators and moderators and administrators of the sited you are a member of. List of blocked usersthere are no blocked users. Add user to block listUser to be blocked: