This page has to be rewritten and the include:languages has to be cleaned from [[include include:languages pagename=actualpagename]] which is not necessary anymore
This page describes the conventions neccessary for translation of the handbook into other languages (localisation).
Please - if You want to contribute any translation into your language - feel free to do so, but keep an eye on the conventions written here!
And if You have any proposals write them down in our forum here ( menu at left top ) or on the coffee table in the community forum:
The idea is to have language-dependent categories in the handbook site.
This means
all english document pages belong to the (namespace/ category) en:
all french document pages (direct translations from the english original) belong to fr:.
all german document pages belong to category de:
The "Title" can be / should be in your original language, but the url - the "page name" after he language category - has to be always in english!" Or the navigation would never find the parallel page with another language-category.
The page names itself should be in their local language, ( like fr:glossaire for en:glossary)
but (if necessary and easily possible), redirected from the direct "copied" original page fr:glossary.
The language codes to be used are defined in the ISO standard:
If you want to add another language go to en:add-another-language page!
All listings in a specific language can be done with the Pages module :
[[module Pages category="de"]] a.s.o.
The Page tags Cloud works with categories too.
The main (start) page (Welcome page) on the left side is then only the starting point into other (even english!) categories!
Typical page name for the "virtual start page of " the "handbook" in german ( german "Welcome page") :
" ! - please change the "de:" to YOUR language code (see down the link) .
Do not forget to copy the nav:side panel to your language category nav:side-xy.
Any admin can than join the (category - dependent!) nav:side-xy to the correct language-category.
And change the "edit this panel" to the correct new nav:side-xy !
The in all roots -included include:languages page should be changed to new languages too!
all languages shall have their own category, English included in order to list english tags in the corresponding nav:side.
Yes, it is possible to have one nav:side per category.
Thus nav:side-en nav:side-fr nav:side-de
- gerdami 30/7 at 20:26
French series
I just started the french series and it is really easy to create fr:pages by adding the prefix fr: and keeping the original pagename but translating the page title.
All pages should have its equivalent in the other languages. Keeping the original English name will give no problem for me to link to non-yet-existing de:what-ever-page-name.
Moreover, with the tool Wanted pages we can list easily missing pages. They are listed alphabetically with the fr: prefix. Easy.
- gerdami 30/7 at 21:37
Once a reference English page name has been chosen, it is not suitable to rename it (except from the beginning) … fr: and de: … would not be renamed automatically.
From now, the original list-all-pages lists all pages (all languages mixed) => we should now RENAME ALL English doc pages to en:pages.
Do not forget the + show dependencies !!!
- gerdami 30/7
Let us open a forum for translators in this wiki, one section per language, plus one for the reference language, and may be (I'm not sure) a per page forum.
- gerdami 30/7