Upload an Image

To Wikidot, an image is just another file. Therefore, to upload an image (preferably .gif / .png / .jpg ) click on files at the bottom of the page you want to upload the image to. The files "window" will open. Click on upload new file and the File Upload "window" will open. Click on Browse… and choose the image to be uploaded.
Do not include any spaces in the file name. Wikidot doesn't like them

At this point, you can choose to rename the image by typing a new name in Destination file name. In other words, if you are uploading fruit-a.jpg and you want it to be renamed fruit.jpg, enter fruit.jpg in the box. A word of warning here: you also need to specify the file extension. Putting fruit in in the Destination file name box will result in the image being named fruit, not fruit.jpg.

You can also leave a note about this image for yourself and your other wiki editors in the File comments box.

Finally, click upload file! to upload the image.

Remember, the uploaded image will be attached to the page you upload it to. For more information see Introduction to images.

Note: Do not use spaces in your file name.
my fruit.jpg will not work
my-fruit.jpg will

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