Hi to all translators, autors!
Now we got the first translations in some part of Wikdiot Page options buttons and help text,,,
( there is a lot missing) .
Where is the best place to store and handle the translated pages and
what is the best practice with the most benefits?
- I took over the "handbook" long time ago and created with phil , gerdami and others the layout and structur.
- I have created some DAYS ago the "doc" template for translated documentation in a single site - parallel again like the "official " wIkidot. "doc" and "faq" in different languages to use in single - extra SITES per language
- James Kanjo has created the http://doc.wikidot.com/ ( alternativ inoffficial doc) site
I have no idea now where the **Primary "doc:" translation of the "official" wikdiot doc: and faq: pages (syntax, modules, site manager ) should be stored ( and changed by updates) :
- on the handbook as we have tried in the past till today
- on the doc-xy.wikdiot.com ( as clones of http://doc-template.wikidot.com/doc !) which isi a COPY of the original doc: category of Wikidot
- example for de: http://doc-de.wikidot.com/doc
- with "includes" of the "doc-xy.wikdito.com/doc:modules" on the handbook site in "xy:modules" ( only to change the main translated page.
- on the docs.wikidot.com site of James Kanjo, which is in a complete different structure to
1. I can imagine that we can inbound the same (parallel) structure like the official doc pages into the handbook , like
wikdiot.com/doc:modules will get handbook.com/xy:doc:module and so on.. this would make the language surfing easy , but requires a lot of link - changes in the en:doc
2. I can imagine that we transfer the "language-code" to the site-name - like doc-xy.wikdiot.com - with the parallel structure of pages in the same categories and page names…( in english like here)
3. I am not really happy with the situation today - where every language autor writes his own structur of the translated docuemntation in his language here. On the otehr hand - a visitor will search for her/his language only in one point…
Please - let me know your thinking!
best regards
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